International Association of Free Seventh-day Adventists

The Truth Shall Set You Free


Free Seventh-day Adventists find their roots in the formative years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They started from very humble beginnings in the early 1900s in a period when segregation and racism was widely practiced in the United States of America and most of its members were people of color and Hispanics or latinos. Since that time, much has changed. Today, the Free Seventh-day Adventist movement is an international body consisting of a multiracial network of Seventh-day Adventist believers who desire to maintain and advance the original beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist faith.

Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White
In modern times, this now interracial movement continues to forge forward with a much greater zeal and determination to promote the original teachings of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, at a time when many of the original beliefs, worship style, and practices are being compromised by the established Seventh-day Adventist Church. Years before this present condition of things had arisen, it was prophesied in the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy. There the servant of God, Ellen G. White, boldly declared, “Many will stand in our pulpits with the torch of false prophecy in their hands, kindled from the hellish torch of Satan.” 1

The unfortunate circumstances that initially caused the Free Seventh-day Adventist movement to come into existence in the first place are really not entirely different from what is currently causing this body of believers to rapidly grow once again. At its inception, those who joined this movement did so because of the struggle against the erroneous beliefs and evil policies then prevalent. As a result of unbiblical views and unChristlike practices that were then being fostered and promoted by the leaders of God’s remnant church, the Free Seventh-day Adventist movement was born. Similarly, today the rapid growth and development of this movement again arises from unbiblical views and unChristlike practices that are advocated and practiced by church leaders. Also, like before, these erroneous inroads into the Adventist faith is bringing unnecessary persecution upon many who, both inside and outside the body, still love the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.

It has become evident to some that God’s church today is being led in the wrong direction and our peculiarity as a people is being lost sight of. The late Dr. Ralph Larson, a notable Seventh-day Adventist scholar and lover of present truth, wrote in his book The Real Issues some years ago, “The real issue in our church is truth in conflict with untruth, unauthorized changes in our church’s theology.” 2 In the magazine Landmarks, the editor, Dr. John Grosboll wrote, “The fact that the SDA denomination has strayed significantly from God’s plan for finishing His work is well documented elsewhere.” 3 Also, the book Deceptions of The New Theology, by Dr. Colin Standish and the late Russell Standish declared, “Many Seventh-day Adventists believe that the new theology is a phenomenon of the 1970s. But students of Adventist history have discovered that it has its origins in the earliest days of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” 4

Today many more Seventh-day Adventist leaders and lay members are recognizing the spirit of compromise that is being manifested by the church. Leaders of the established body are seen to be continually strengthening and consolidating their relationships with those who differ greatly from our faith. Members recognize that it is very dangerous to form these close alliances with unbelievers and that the growing spirit of compromise is changing the face of Adventism worldwide from what it used to be. They are beginning to see and fear that these close ties and confederacies between the established church and other denominations are being pursued even at the expense of the church losing sight of its peculiar faith and precious truths. On matters of this nature the Scriptures ask the question, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos. 3:3. Furthermore, the Word of God instructs us to not be “unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14).

However, in contrast to the spirit of compromise that is now being manifested and encouraged by the established Seventh-day Adventist body, from the very beginning, those who joined the Free Seventh-day Adventist movement have always held a deep respect for the writings of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Therefore, from its very inception, all who applied for membership in the sisterhood of Free Seventh-day Adventists Churches in the early 1900s were only accepted into the movement “after certifying [their] belief in all the doctrines of truth taught by Seventh Day Adventists, including the Testimonies written by Mrs. E. G. White.” 5

Therefore, today, as in the past, we again see the spirit of compromise in the church is causing a new surge in the growth of the Free Seventh-day Adventist movement. Many present truth believers of all races and ethnic backgrounds are seeing the need for unity and harmony to promote God’s truths for these last days. Presently, however, this cry for freedom emanates not from a sense of racial injustices, as in the past, but instead from the need to keep our message pure. Furthermore, this cry for freedom now stems from a strong desire to be “free” from the control and restrictions of men, “free” to promote the wonderful Three Angels' Messages given to us by the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist faith, “free” from the kingly power that is being manifested by those in responsible positions in God’s church today.

1. Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, by Ellen G. White, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1962, page 409-410
2. Issues: The Real Issues, the Side Issues and the Pseudo Issues, by Ralph Larson, Steps to Life, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1992, page 26
3. Historic Landmarks of Adventism (Landmarks magazine), Steps to Life, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, November 2008, page 9.
4. Deceptions of The New Theology, by Colin D. Standish and Russell R. Standish, Hartland Publications, Rapidan, VA, 1989, page 19
5. Free Advent Banner, The Banner Publishing Association, Savannah, GA, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1920, page 1